Our Policies

Our Policies


When you use Digitechsolutionsinc website, there are some rules you need to follow. These rules are explained in the Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. It’s important to read and understand these rules. By using our website, you agree to follow these rules. If you don’t agree with them, please don’t use the website. These rules are more important than any other agreements you might have with us about the same things. We can change these rules whenever we want, so it’s a good idea to check back here once in a while.

The Terms and Conditions:

The “Terms and Conditions” are like the rules of the game. They’re important guidelines that we need everyone to follow when using our website. It’s crucial that you read and fully understand these rules. When you use Digitechsolutionsinc, you’re agreeing to follow these rules. If you can’t agree with these rules, we kindly ask you not to use the website.

Priority of These Rules:

These rules are the most important when it comes to using our website. If you’ve had any previous agreements with us that talk about the same things, these rules take precedence over them.

Changes to the Rules:

We’re constantly working to improve Digitechsolutionsinc, and that means sometimes we might need to adjust the rules. We have the ability to change these rules at any time, and we’ll do it if needed. To stay updated, it



The contents of Digitechsolutionsinc website, including text, graphics, images, and other content (referred to as the “Site Material”), are protected by copyright under the laws of the United Kingdom. These Terms and Conditions do not grant you any license or rights to the Site Material. Digitechsolutionsinc  allows you to view and download a single copy of the Site Material solely for your non-commercial personal use. Unauthorized use of the Site Material infringes upon copyright and other applicable laws. You are required to retain all copyright and other proprietary notices found in the original Site Material on any copies you make of such material.



When you visit the Digitechsolutionsinc.us website, you might notice names, trademarks, and logos that belong to us. These are our unique identifiers that set us apart. They help you recognize and remember our brand. Sometimes, we might also use names, trademarks, and logos from other companies on our website.

Using Our Marks


We want to make sure our brand stays strong and consistent. So, we don’t want others to use our brand names, trademarks, and logos without our permission. If these Terms and Conditions don’t say you can use them, then you’re not allowed to. It’s important to respect these rules and use our brand materials only as we allow.

Product & Service Rankings


Our website offers a forum that includes rankings of products and services (“Rankings”), provided byDigi Tech Solutions inc, to help you make informed decisions. These Rankings are meant for your convenience and represent our opinions and analysis based on both subjective and objective criteria. It’s important to remember that this information is for informational purposes only and should not be solely relied upon.

Doing Your Research


Before making any decisions, it’s recommended that you conduct your own research. Our Rankings are not guarantees, and you should not hold Digitechsolutionsinc or its partners liable for any statements, representations, errors, or opinions posted on the site. We make no warranties about the accuracy or factual basis of the Rankings. Prices on the Rankings are updated regularly, but our evaluation process is continuously evolving, and elements can change over time.

Our Compensation and Expertise


Digitechsolutionsinc may receive compensation from some of the companies we rank. The advice, information, and images on this site are intended for general educational purposes and are not professional or legal advice. They are not exhaustive and should not replace consulting qualified professionals to meet your specific needs. You assume the risk regarding the accuracy, completeness, and quality of any information on this site.

No Control Over External Content


Digitechsolutionsinc may receive compensation from some of the companies we rank. The advice, information, and images on this site are intended for general educational purposes and are not professional or legal advice. They are not exhaustive and should not replace consulting qualified professionals to meet your specific needs. You assume the risk regarding the accuracy, completeness, and quality of any information on this site.

Dispute Resolution


When there’s a disagreement, we’re committed to resolving it through arbitration, not through court proceedings or jury trials. This means that any disputes between you and Digitechsolutionsinc will be settled in a private process called arbitration, rather than in a traditional courtroom. Importantly, you won’t have the option to bring or join a class action or group lawsuit against Digitechsolutionsinc whether in a courtroom or through arbitration.

These rules apply within the framework of Utah’s laws, regardless of where you are located. It’s crucial to recognize that these terms represent the entire agreement between you and Digitechsolutionsinc concerning your use of this website. By using this site, you’re agreeing to abide by these terms and conditions, including the provision for dispute resolution through binding arbitration.

Disclaimer Damages


Under no circumstances shall Digitechsolutionsinc, its affiliates, or any third parties mentioned on the website be held liable for any form of damages (including, but not limited to, incidental, indirect, consequential, or punitive damages, lost profits, or damages arising from lost data or business interruption) resulting from the use or inability to use materials, advice, guidance, or services on this website or sites linked to this website. This applies regardless of whether the basis is warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and regardless of whether Digisworks Technology was informed of the possibility of such damages.

In simpler words, Digitechsolutionsinc and its associates won’t be held responsible if something goes wrong when you use the things, advice, or services on our website or on sites we link to. This includes things like accidental issues, problems indirectly caused, or even harm to your business. Even if someone told us that these problems might happen, we can’t be held responsible for them.

Limitation Of Liability


Digitechsolutionsinc, its affiliates, and any third parties mentioned on the website won’t be held responsible for any kind of damage that might happen as a result of using the materials, advice, guidance, or services provided on this website or on linked sites. This includes various types of damages like those that might happen accidentally, indirectly, or due to disruptions in business operations. It doesn’t matter if the basis is a promise, a contract, or any other legal theory. We won’t be held accountable, even if we were aware that these damages might occur.